
Monday 28 September 2009

Back to Work

After all the 'rendang', 'ketupat' and raya cookies(and the extra pounds), welcome back to WORK!! Yes, drag that feet!! Am off to Kl this week for a literature course. Looking forward to this course as I have been out of action with CDC for years now. We are building training modules for the new literature component in 2010. Am thrilled to bits to be a part of this.

Friday 18 September 2009

Strategic Planning 2010-2012 Meeting

Date: 16th September 2009

The 2nd Strategic Planning meeting for the school was conducted in the library today where the heads of each unit presented their plans to the steering committee and feedback was given. Being true to myself, I was rather vocal. Then there was that deafening silence! Have you ever felt awkward and uncomfortable in some meetings? Well, this was one such meeting. Perhaps it was the heat as the weather had been very trying the past few days. Some teachers remained quiet throughout the whole meeting. Here's my two-cents worth. I think such discussions are very important to allow teachers to grow and develop. Even if the culture was non-existent in the past, well, we have to start somewhere... Going through the process of discussion and negotiation is very important for a teacher's growth even if the plans are not taken up by the school at the end of it all! The teacher on his part must take interest and participate. All in all, this was a good start to develop that culture of asking and giving opinions and listening to other people's point of view. I was pleased to see the usually quiet ones speaking albeit one or two sentences!

Thursday 17 September 2009

Ramadhan Activity

Date: 12th September (Saturday)
Venue: School Hall

On this day, MAKDIS of SMK Canossian Convent organised a Quran Recital ceremony and sadaqah (voluntary charity) to the orphans of SMCC. 150 students, parents aand teachers turned out for the event. A short 'tazkirah' was delivered by an ustadz from SMK Jalan Mengkibol after the special prayer (solat hajat) for the PMR and SPM candidates.

Happy Aidil Fitri

To all my students and friends:
Best Wishes this Eid. May you celebrate it by offering thanks to God for all that He has showered upon you! Maaf Zahir Batin.

Sunday 6 September 2009

Student Journals

My students usually stop writing their journals in August as they focus on their trial and what not. These are some of the best journals that they have done. These are Fwee Ping's, Zin Lei and Leni's journal entries. I must say they are all good at painting and drawing too. Fwee Ping's journal is just beautiful! Journal-writing could also be a way for them to destress from exam pressures...Soon I will be giving prizes for the five best journals throughout the whole year. After two years of journal writing(this class started in Form 4), their writing has improved considerably and they have plenty of ideas to write. I believe they will not be facing writer's block in the exam. The fluency is already there. Well-done girls!