
Friday 26 January 2018


Here's a list of 53 interesting ways you can gauge your students' understanding in the classroom. (courtesy of

Click on the image.


Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH

Thursday 25 January 2018


Here's a lesson plan I plan to carry out in 5 Abu Hanifah dan 5 Al Farabi next week. It is a vocabulary lesson focussing on useful words/phrases to spruce up that essay. After a few weeks of teaching, I noticed that my students' grammar is not too bad but their vocabulary is really basic 😌

Materials used

Lesson plan and materials

Happy teaching!!!

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Idioms- A Vocabulary Lesson warmer

Tired of watching your students sit in class all the time? Well, you can make them move around a bit. In today's lesson, I did just that. Boy, were they reluctant to move 😊 Hence, this is a warmer that you can do to get them moving before teaching the beautiful phrases in English- idioms, pairs of words, similes etc.


1. Print our a list of idioms and their meanings enough for the whole class. I have 21 so it was 11 idioms and their meanings.
2. Cut them up into strips and jumble them up in a bag.
3. Get SS to each pick a strip. Half the SS will have the idioms and the other half the meaning.
4. Ask them to mingle and find their partners. Once they've found their partners, make them stand around the classroom and call each pair to read aloud their idioms and meanings.
5. Clarify any unclear idioms.
6. Now, you can continue with the handouts and lesson proper on beautiful expressions in English!

Simple isn't it? I thought about this 45 minutes before entering class and managed to google the idioms and cut them into strips. I hope my students understood what I was trying to achieve in 5 Abu Hanifah today 😊

Happy teaching peeps!

5 Abu Hanifah

They just love taking photos!

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH

Friday 12 January 2018


Medical leave or not, I was in school yesterday briefing three senior asistants and their secretaries on the 2018 Annual Strategic Planning. We had a good discussion and I managed to explain the latest requirement from PPD Kluang on the need to extract from our current three year plan. I believe things have to be done properly and time must be given for discussion since this the school's strategic plan. You can't just brush it off and say change the dates! I know we are always looking for shortcuts and the strategic plan is a white elephant anyway, but I can't be making the decision as to which strategies the sectors (Curriculum, HEM and KOKO) would like to select for 2018. I wish my boss understands this. Anyway, I think we had a fruitful briefing-cum-discussion and again at 2.30 pm, a briefing with all teachers. 

I discovered that the boss might be selected to present the strategic planning to the PPD in February, so MC or not, I had to be in school yesterday.  KPJ actually gave me a five-day MC due to my joint pains post dengue fever. I'm so much better Alhamdulillah. It was the right decision to be given that MC - the longest I've ever been given. 

It will be a busy few weeks from now for me because we have agreed on the deadline: 30th January.  After that, I need to figure our how to amend the current strategic plan for 2018-2020 in line with Gelombang 2 PPPM.

At the same time I'm also training and preparing my student to take part as a paper presenter for the Johor International Student Leaders Conference. Our proposal was accepted and now we are working on the details 😁😁😁 I suddenly feel rejuvenated! Am really hoping that 2018 promises a good year and that am healthy to teach well. Ameen.

I'm also revisiting a book I co-wrote with SISC + Fuziana Ali some time back. We want to add 21st elements in it and collaborative features too. We shelved the project for about three years already I think it's time to publish it 😊

Happy teaching!

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH

Saturday 6 January 2018


Dear Form 1 teachers,
I know you're in the midst of preparing your RPH and SOW (over 100 pages woohoo good luck!) I'm teaching two Form1 classes this year and 2 Form 5's. Here are some useful links that might help and do yourselves a favour- go get that nescafe or something 😎😎😎 In my school, we had already submitted our Rancangan Harian for week 1 and next week we have to submit everything i.e RPH for Week 2 and the whole Fail Rekod Mengajar (with SOWs and what not). 

Take a deep breathe everyone. Don't know what has become of education but watch out for more paperwork. All that instruction that you MUST follow the SOW is an attempt at limiting my creativity as a teacher hmmm...but some say just's easy and fun 😖😖😖 Just looking at the SOW, already gave me a headache 😅 Having said that though, we must thank the CDC and the trainers for giving us a head start with the SOW. I'm trying to find time to look at them though while revising the strategic planning for the whole school...sob sob sob. May take ages to try and fathom that and to link it with the textbook. Looks like the entire 2018 will be devoted solely for the form 1's...forget about the form 5's. But in reality, school worries about SPM GPS all the time!

By the way, have you ploughed through Pulse 2..okay okay...skim through more likely 😊. I tried while having dengue fever...I was like lying in bed reading the first few pages and then I decided to put it down- sooooo much to digest and my headache caught up with me. That was the end of it till now 😇I'm pretty lucky because the form 1's have not registered so I will catch up with Pulse 2 (not my headache) again. Now that the MOE has decided on a Mat Salleh's textbook, we teachers need to really understand the textbook and the SOW.

I have to admit I was in the committee that looked into a range of Cambridge English books but I wasn't assigned Pulse 2 then. If you're going to take a book wholesale and plant it here in Malaysia, obviously there would be discrepancies especially in terms of content, wouldn't you agree? Now that 31 million has been spent on it, we need to justify the cost. Here's wishing all form 1 (and 2) teachers good luck! Complaining makes it worse so just try your best peeps...just try your best! This is my 31st year of teaching so if I can do it, so can you 😍😍😍

Happy teaching peeps!

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH


Hers'a a chance for your students to take part in an international conference! Click on the picture for more information.

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Happy New Year 2018!

Masha Allah it's already 2018! All praise to Allah for giving us the opportunity to still contribute as teachers. I'm still recovering from dengue fever but I am as eager as ever to start the new year as you are. By the by, 22 posts in 2017 is really embarrasing 😄 This blog needs a makeover!! Let's hope I can share more in 2018 Ameen 😎

Happy teaching peeps :)

Image result for back to school images
(credit: google)

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH