
Saturday 23 June 2018

PPD Kluang Taskforce Meeting

I chaired this meeting with a team of teachers recently. Guess what? We have been tasked to build three types of SPM English modules for galus, sederhana and cemerlang students. Modules again? Yup you read right 😆 But since it's a directive from PPD and JKd Kluang, here we go! Teachers were broken into three groups and team leaders had to report back. The modules will be exam-focused based on Papers 1 and 2. Our next meeting is scheduled on the 10th July. Meanwhile yours truly has her hands full:

1. MPSM State Level Module (Forecast Questions) - completed and awaiting editing meeting next  
    Tues (26th) 
2. STF-MOZAC- SASEM Immersion Programme (14th July) - yet to be done
3. The next chapter of my forthcoming book - not done 😞
4. English Seminar in Kota Tinggi - not done

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak to all followers. 
Maaf Zahir Batin 

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH