I chaired this meeting with a team of teachers recently. Guess what? We have been tasked to build three types of SPM English modules for galus, sederhana and cemerlang students. Modules again? Yup you read right 😆 But since it's a directive from PPD and JKd Kluang, here we go! Teachers were broken into three groups and team leaders had to report back. The modules will be exam-focused based on Papers 1 and 2. Our next meeting is scheduled on the 10th July. Meanwhile yours truly has her hands full:
1. MPSM State Level Module (Forecast Questions) - completed and awaiting editing meeting next
Tues (26th)
2. STF-MOZAC- SASEM Immersion Programme (14th July) - yet to be done
3. The next chapter of my forthcoming book - not done 😞
4. English Seminar in Kota Tinggi - not done
Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH