Thursday, 6 October 2011

Life goes on!

This has been a week of sorts. And I feel really exhausted although it's not the end of the week yet- Friday beckons tomorrow. I contracted gastritis on the way to a meeting in Kl on Monday. The nescafe had to be it. It was thicker than usual and I remember gobbling a bun to go with it that morning before pushing off to KL. Fortunately, TBS had a pharmacy and I grabbed a box of Gaviscon tablets to chew. Thank God that worked, at least while I was cracking my head completing the tasks at the meeting. Then half-way through a disturbing phone call jolted me at 12.30 a.m.- a family matter which needed my presence. This has been going on for the over a year now and we have all been trying our best to turn things around. However, God hasn't granted all my wishes yet maybe so I can be a patient person. He knows that I have been praying day and night for my daughter's recovery. Despite the strain I've been facing all these months, Alhamdulillah I'm still walking and laughing. It's God's challenge to make me a better mother and person. What's life without challenges? It's God's way of strenghtening your iman and subservience...

Now that am finally home- a call from the PPD stunned me this morning. There's been a change of date for the state level Action Research Seminar in Kulai. It's now 22nd October. But hold on. I've booked a flight to Alor Setar for the MGCM National Convention from 21-24th October, the tickets of which are non-changeable and non-refundable. But I so badly want to take part in the seminar because earlier this year I couldn't make it to the innovation discourse due to a clash of events too Spent the whole day calling and persuading some friends to represent me in the seminar. Although it's only a state level event, I feel differently because this has something to do with research and my interest in action research is far greater. It's not about winning - all you get is a certificate and probably a plaque as 'langkah penjimatan' is always in force :)  I've tasted success before (and success is sweet) but what's more important is sharing your ideas with teachers especially when I think I've done a pretty solid and comprehensive research. It's the satisfaction of sharing what you've done in the classroom with your peers and creating that awareness on the importance of teachers dabbling in research that really matter. The PPD officer was sympathetic and advised me to look for a representative. After much searching, I found one! Thanks ever so much Shima! I will be content now to know that my research will be shared in the seminar after all.  

This has been a busy week indeed and a trying one. There's a talk in UTHM on Saturday and then a quick visit to my ailing mum. I'm trying to squeeze in visiting my sister who will be leaving for haj on the 10th October and a staff in JB hospital on Sunday, God-willing. Perhaps I'm being overly ambitious...the neck pain is still stinging despite the physiotherapy session this afternoon- a recurrence of an old problem after the long drive to Lumut and Pangkor. Prior to this, I had thirteen physio sessions to recover. I hope this one won't be as bad.

But hey! Life goes on! And for all that God has bestowed upon me (challenges and rewards), Alhamdulillah...for if I were to count Allah's blessings, never will I be able to quantify them...


mamek said...

be strong puan Rahmah! :)

Rahmah said...

thanks mamek :)