20th January was a special day for all of us in the family- Adibah, my only daughter got married to Hayat. Both of them have moved to KL now and the house is very quiet...hubby was teasing me all the time about the quietness. From now on I will have to go places alone or with my other half. It still hasn't really sunk that my daughter is married! I was sure I heard her call me "Mama" as I was about to sleep last night. I pass by her room everyday as it's opposite mine so it's not easy. She will be coming back this CNY hols to take the rest of her things. Alhamdulillah...her wedding was a beautiful one despite the drizzle.
On the wedding day and as early as 11 a.m. a good friend (Normala) from Seremban was already at the hall. From then on, it was a busy day for mom and dad as the guests thickened. Most of them I asked, praised the food (Dzan Catering, Batu Pahat) and the unique dais (Dedaun Bridal, Batu Pahat). You can look them up in FB in case you want to use them. Imam Jamal (a friend of hubby) was very punctual, making his presence felt at 9 a.m. sharp. The exchange of vows ceremony was slightly late because we had to wait for Hayat's side. Hayat confidently read the vow once and they were man and wife. Shortly after the nikah, I choked with emotions when I had to read something to my daughter following the Sakinah Module adopted in Johor. Trust me not to be dramatic :)

No wedding is complete without the guests. Hubby and I were pleased with the guests turnout. I now understand how it feels when you hope for guests to turn up. Dear hubby and I will do our best to attend all wedding invitations from now on. We have missed a few, unintentionally of course. The Malays have this saying "kita tunaikan hajat orang lain, mudah-mudahan orang akan tunaikan pula hajat kita". Alhamdulillah, I never expected such a crowd. Between welcoming the guests and thanking them, I managed quick peeks into the hall and was pleased to see the guests enjoying themselves and having animated conversations with old and new found friends. Thanks all for making time. I truly appreciate your presence!
To Adibah and Hayat:
Wishing you the best of life today and in the days to come.
you always feel as close as you do this day. May your lives be graced
with good health. May you always find happiness in your home, and may it
be a refuge from the storms of life. May your love grow ever stronger
as you
share your lives together, and may your future be even more
than you dreamed possible.
All's well that ends well. The knee pain and tiredness have all gone. I'm truly blessed Ya Rabb. Thank you for everything!
The Thinking Teacher