Sunday 3 March 2013

Ist PIBG meeting in SASEM

The response to our first PIBG meeting was encouraging! Hundreds for parents turned up and there was a good discussion of issues for the betterment of SASEM. It was chaired by Tn Hj Rozali Jemali, the President, flanked by the principal, En Mohd Noh Mohd Yussof and committee members. One parent made a thought-provoking analysis of the 2012 activities though. She was of the opinion that there needs to be a balance between academic and co curricular activities with academic activities taking the lead. According to her analysis, there were more co curricular activities than academic, something I happen to agree with. 

2012 was an exciting year because everything was the first- the first Sports Day, the first Kejohanan Balapan Zon Selatan etc. I remember students competing fanatically for their houses in order to win the coveted title. However, in retrospect, this may have given the wrong impression to students. If you give them a choice between sports and study, which one do you think they will choose? I think you know the answer. Well, this is 2013 and our Academic Programmes have already begun. We started with Pledge Day last week and STAR classes have also begun. Next in line is NLP (Neuro-linguistics Programming) for 70 top students in April. We are planning many more programmes for Sasemians and hope that they will respond positively.

The Thinking Teacher

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