Thursday 15 October 2015

Kintamani and the 62nd Teflin Conference, Bali, Indonesia (14-16th September 2015)

Been postponing this post for a bit. Alhamdulillah I was in Bali for the 62nd TEFLIN conference to present my paper. My action research was on journaling in my classes. I must say though that ICELT or MELTA is more happening than this conference but the strength in TEFLIN was in the research rigour of the presenters. The presenters, although mostly Indonesians, showed a lot of rigour in research methodology. Missed Pak Willy Renandya's (National Institute of Education, Nan Yang Technological University, Singapore) plenary though due to a lack of ticket and so I settled for Dr Jayakaran's session. Dr Jaya was a witty as ever and had us in stitches and his students' videos were refreshing. As usual Dr Jaya will always touch on Malaysian textbooks :)

Of course I went sightseeing in Bali too. Would be silly not to take that opportunity. Went back to Kintamani- the food on the hilltop restaurant tasted the same but the crisp air and the view of Mount Batur was unforgettable. Never quite like the food to be honest but the view from the top was majestic. We prayed Zuhur in a nearby mosque and the cold water to perform the ablution reminded me of the winter days as a student in England.There's something about Kintamani that makes me want to come back again and again :)

Alhamdulillah for the opportunity to share in this conference.

Happy teaching!

Sanur Paradise Hotel, Bali


Barong Dance

Love Sunda food!

Those who can DO, Those who can do more TEACH